Convert OVA to AWS AMI


There are cases, were you have to convert on-prem OVA to AWS AMI.

Below are steps to convert an OVA to AWS AMI:

  1. Upload the file to EC2 instance.
  2. Unzip the file
    tar xvf xxxxxxx_xxx_xx.ova
  3. Copy the .vmdk file to S3 bucket
  4. Create a file in ec2 — conversion.json


“Description”: “Convert OVA to AMI”,

“Format”: “vmdk”,

“UserBucket”: {

“S3Bucket”: “s3bucketname”,

“S3Key”: “xxxxxxx_xxx_xx.vmdk”


5. Execute —

aws ec2 import-image — description “Convert OVA to AMI” — disk-containers file://conversion.json

6. Execute —

aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks — import-task-ids import-ami-xxxx

Let me know in comments if you have any issues :)



Soumya's Yellow Wall

An IT girl on weekday; A bibliophile, binge watcher, amateur painter by weekend; Wants to give a shot to anything and everything in life.